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Thursday, June 19, 2014

Question from Is there an advertising system as an addition to Moodle (learning management system)?

I just answered a question on about placing ads in a Moodle site. The question was:
"Is there an advertising system as an addition to Moodle (learning management system)? I mean, that show students the advertisement by his year of study."
My answer is copied below:
I don't know of any Moodle plugins that are dedicated to serving advertisements. However, Moodle does allow you to add an HTML block to the sidebar of any course. That HTML block can contain almost any HTML code you want; including something like Google ads.
One way to target those ads to students who meet specific criteria, is to add the HTML blocks to categories of courses. For example, suppose you have a category or courses for first-year students. You can add an HTML block containing an ad suitable for first-year students, to that category. Now every course in that category will display the ad.
More information from the Moodle site: Block settings - MoodleDocs. Notice that there's a bug in Moodle right now, where this doesn't work on sites that have been upgraded. So you'll want to do this on a fresh Moodle installation: Moodle Bug 31616.